I have. It was great being involved. I am knocked out by the hard work of the ice teams at the Linx and at Curl Aberdeen - and the long hours they put in! The umpires too were on station long before the first stone had been played each day, until after the late evening practices. I saw too how hard many of the volunteers worked. Some are still at it, making sure the players get to the airport on time.
I myself learned much from watching the (extremely industrious) media, including all involved in bring you pictures on TV and computer. The local papers did the event proud with their coverage. I enjoyed studying the professional photographers at work, whilst trying not to be envious of the kit they were packing around!
Search parties have gone out to try to find some of those who attended the final banquet and party at the Star Ballroom last night. If I just reveal that not all have made it back yet, then you will realise it was a good night! The venue, the meal, Pryde, a great ceilidh band Galik Bred, colourful and enthusiastic participants, many of whom willing to create carnage on the dance floor as they learned a variety of Scottish dances, and the odd drink or two - all contributed to a great party!
The blog has no pictures to share with the world (well, just one). I'm not going to embarrass anyone today! There were some sights, I can tell you. Some teams' 'party uniforms' were outstanding - the Netherlands men made quite an entrance. The women's teams weren't half bad either! The Scottish girls brush up really well - as you can see from the pic below!

That's it for this blog. I may have a few more photos once I go through everything when I get home. These will be on my other blog(s). If you want to follow more of Scottish curling (and perhaps even an update on how Coo is getting on), this link is where to go:
Normal service will be resumed there soon.
Aberdeen, thanks for the memories! And thanks to everyone who made the week fun for me - too many to name, but you all know who you are.