I've had a couple of emails asking if the team names are online. They have just gone on the official website here.
There may well be last minute changes in the lineups of course. We'll see when the teams are practising and when they take to the ice for their first games on Saturday.
Coo has settled into her new home in Germany with five year old Fotini!
Looking back at all the posts
Only a few of the recent posts appear on your screen. If you want to look back at everything that was written, you could open each post individually from the archive, but if you just double click on December (69) in the archive below, and all the posts will open on screen. Enjoy.
Where are the results?
Go to the official website (here) to find all the results, standings and statistics.
Should the official website crash again (hopefully not), you can still find the results through the CurlingZone website.
Match reports
Mike Haggerty is doing match reports after every Scottish game in the A Division. Find these here.
Bob, male italian team is a little different, see below. ;